EarlsHelpDesk.com remote access computer tutoring services are custom-tailored to meet your needs and wants. Learn how to do the things you want to do with your computer.
Prior to a remote access tutoring session, it’s a good idea to make a list of the questions you want answered. This allows you to get the most out of your session. Listed below are a few examples of things you can learn through remote tutoring.
- basic computer usage
- how to work with files and folders
- email basics including file attachments
- how to work with a new piece of software
- how to edit, crop, print or share photos
- how to personalize your computer with custom backgrounds, desktop icons, screensavers, and more
- how to locate and use reliable and trustworthy freeware programs to accomplish many common computer tasks
- how to backup your files to a flash drive or external device
- how to burn a CD or DVD
- how to use use free software to help prevent viruses, spyware, and other malware
The possibilities are virtually endless. Call and discuss your needs or desires. Never be afraid to ask. This is the best way to learn.